Call for Proposals: 2018 CALA Midwest Chapter Annual Conference

Dear CALA Midwest Members,


*******Do you want to build your CV?*******

*******Would you like to share your exciting work with peers in a collegial environment?*******

*******Do you hope to network with more library professionals?*******


Here is a great opportunity for you: submit your proposal by April 10rd, 2018 for the upcoming CALA Midwest Annual Conference (both onsite and virtual)!


Please read the CFP below for details.  We will be glad to answer your questions and looking forward to hearing from you!


2018 CALA Midwest Chapter Annual Conference

Theme: Innovation, Leadership, and Assessment in the 21st Century

Date: May 11, 2018 (Friday), 9:00 am-4:45 pm CST

Format of Conference: Hybrid

Physical Location: Richard J. Daley Library, University of Illinois at Chicago, 801 S. Morgan, Chicago, IL 60607

Virtual Location: URL for accessing the teleconference will be provided at the beginning of May.

Deadline for submissionApril 10, 2018.

Call for Proposals:

The CALA Midwest Professional Development Committee invites you to submit a proposal for the 2018 CALA Midwest Annual Conference.

In nowadays’ digital and technological world, library practices have been greatly impacted in one way or the other. To meet users’ needs, library professionals have been actively improving existing resources and services while developing new programs, technologies, and services. There are many questions for us to ponder. For example, how to reframe the leadership to handle all the changes and challenges libraries face in the 21st century? How to assess library activities to make sure we stay on the right track? How to develop practical initiatives in order to enhance quality of library services? We welcome submissions addressing the following topics:

  • Collection and electronic resource management
  • Data Curation and digital scholarship
  • Information Services (library instruction, reference, and research support)
  • Library Assessment
  • Library Discovery Tools
  • Library Technologies, Technical Services, Workflows, Applications, and Systems
  • Leadership and Globalization
  • Open Access Initiatives
  • Professional Development (career growth, tenure, and promotion)
  • Trends and Challenges in Librarianship

Join us to share your experiences and ideas on leadership, assessment, and innovations in any library areas. Proposals are not limited to the topics listed in the bullet points.

Presentation formats: presentation (20 minutes), lightning talk (10 minutes), panel (45 minutes), and poster.

Current LIS students are encouraged to submit a proposal. We will offer conference travel reimbursement of up to $100 to student  presenters and waive the registration fee for all student attendees.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please fill out the online proposal form at


Notification of proposal acceptance will be sent out during the week of April 20, 2018. Please contact Xiaocan Wang ( if you have any questions.

Thank you very much!

CALA Midwest Chapter Professional Development Committee