[Call for nominations] CALA Midwest Chapter election

Dear Colleagues,

The CALA Midwest Chapter would like to invite you to nominate candidates for the position of Vice President/President Elect, 2021-2022.  You are welcome to nominate your colleagues or yourself.

Please send your nomination(s) to the Midwest Chapter EB (Liangyu Fu liangyuf@umich.edu, Anlin Yang anlin.yang@wisc.edu, and Meng Qu qum@miamioh.edu).  The deadline is Friday, May 7.  The Chapter election will be taking place soon after the deadline.

If you would like to know more about this position and the election process, please feel free to reach out to any of the EB members.  We’re happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thanks very much!

Best wishes,
CALA Midwest Chapter EB, 2020-2021:
Liangyu Fu (University of Michigan), Chapter President
Anlin Yang (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Chapter Vice President and Chair of the Committee for Professional Development
Meng Qu (Miami University), Chair of the Committee for General Affairs